Week four – January 11, 2018

Liam’s american friends or as we like to call them… Liam’s Legion

So I was asked to post english updates on here, which I will happily provide. I will try to post weekly upates in english.

Liam relapsed in November after a successful bone marrow transplant in July. To lower his leukemia cells he got chemotherapy in November in Zurich’s Kinderspital. After 3 weeks at the hospital we flew directly to Seattle. We’ve been here since 12/19/17. Why? To enroll Liam in the Plat 02 study at Seattle Children’s. For more information on the study, see the link below:


We’ve had daily visits at the hospital until Monday, now we have to go every other day for now. He received two rounds of chemotherapy in the last two weeks. On the 28th he had his apheresis where they took his T-cells. Now we have to wait for the cells to be reprogrammed and grown. If everything goes to plan they should be able to infuse the cells by end of January or beginning of February. That’s when he could and almost certainly will encounter side effects as his body will go through a complex process. So now we are waiting on the cells and he is monitored closely by the doctors every other day. He needs platelets transfusions at least twice a week as he is not able to produce it on his own or not fast enough at the moment.

Right now he is doing really well and enjoying life outside the hospital. Today we were out shopping some new clothes for him and a bike helmet as we have bought a bike trailer.

He also picked up some english words as please, bye bye, thank you and others.

Tiffany and I are happy to be here as this is the best option for Liam and we are convinced this is the right way. We feel really comfortable in Seattle and the staff at the hospital is extremly kind and competent.

That’s it for now.

One more thing, thank you for following the blog although you didn’t understand a single word. 🙂



3 Replies to “Week four – January 11, 2018”

  1. Thomas and Tiffany,
    Thanks for the update. You know we are with you every step of the way. Be strong.
    Love, Gene and Dudley

  2. Thomas and Tiffany,
    Thanks for the update. So nice of you to write it in English. You know you have an army of followers in Heritage.

    1. Thomas and Tiffany, enjoy your post so much. Nice to keep up with Liam’s progress, through pictures and your and Tiffany’s journey. Admire your strength and patience so much. What a sweet little boy, I just love Liam, such a special kid. Hate he has had to go through so much, just know we’re thinking of you constantly. Even though I don’t understand the language, can get lots of information from pictures. Keep up the good work, love watching Liam trying to help you fix bikes!! What a treasure! Will be praying for good results from the t-cell therapy. Love Judy &Windy

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