Day 138 – May 06

Little Big Hero (english)

Liam fought his last battle in the last days and he won. He beat cancer, but as Liam, the Car-T Cells just kept on fighting. His body was just too fragile after all his countless battles. He showed one more time how strong he was, when he came back yesterday after a very tough night and morning. He showed us all once again how strong his will to live is, but in the evening he just got so much sicker and he was able to fall asleep forever. Liam’s big big heart stopped beating after 1 1/2 years of fighting and more so  inspiring people he met along the way. He will always be our Little Big Hero.



4 Replies to “Day 138 – May 06”

  1. ❤❤❤ Ich umarme Euch sehr und wünsche ich Euch viel Kraft. Ganz liebe Grüße aus Manacor.

  2. We are so very sorry. What a valiant fight our Little Big Hero fought. Our sympathies are with you and Tiffany and your families.
    Art and Evelyn

    1. So sorry, Windy and I are so sad for your loss. He was such a sweet, precious child. We certainly feel your pain, thinking of you as you go through the next years, missing him and his giggles. He is at peace now, it was so hard to watch his little body going through so much, you and Tiffany were so strong. Love you and hope you can find peace.❤️🙏🏻❤️

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